Dec 17, 2017
“Advent Conspiracy: Give More”
"Advent Conspiracy: Give More"
Advent Conspiracy is not a way to boycott Christmas. Advent Conspiracy of "Spending Less" is so we can "Give More." There are all sorts of ways we can "Give More." The focus shouldn't be on how much we give. "Stuff" can bring about temporary happiness, but it won't bring us everlasting joy. God "Gave More," so we could have everlasting joy.
  • Dec 17, 2017“Advent Conspiracy: Give More”
    Dec 17, 2017
    “Advent Conspiracy: Give More”
    "Advent Conspiracy: Give More"
    Advent Conspiracy is not a way to boycott Christmas. Advent Conspiracy of "Spending Less" is so we can "Give More." There are all sorts of ways we can "Give More." The focus shouldn't be on how much we give. "Stuff" can bring about temporary happiness, but it won't bring us everlasting joy. God "Gave More," so we could have everlasting joy.
  • Dec 10, 2017“Advent Conspiracy: Spend Less”
    Dec 10, 2017
    “Advent Conspiracy: Spend Less”
    "Advent Conspiracy: Spend Less"
    When you really get down to Christmas, simplify and focus on what is the real reason for Christmas. You don't have to scrap all the gifts and holiday festivities, but simplify. How much simpler could it get than a baby born in a barn to peasant parents, and the first guest to the party were shepherds?
  • Dec 3, 2017“Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully”
    Dec 3, 2017
    “Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully”
    "Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully"
    We can worship anytime and any place, but when we meet as a congregation, we focus on worship. Really make connecting with God a priority in here and out there. Wherever you decide to worship, "Worship Full."
  • Nov 26, 2017“That’s Some High Quality H2O”
    Nov 26, 2017
    “That’s Some High Quality H2O”
    "That's Some High Quality H2O"
    Jesus tells us that he gives us a drink of "Living Water." Everyone goes through life with a longing/thirst for relationships. We may try to quench that thirst in many ways. Until we connect with God through a relationship with Jesus Christ, we will always be thirsting for the "Living Water."
  • Nov 19, 2017“Just Add Water”
    Nov 19, 2017
    “Just Add Water”
    "Just Add Water"
    Water is cleansing and purifying. Water opens up the door to grace. We should love a god that allows us a fresh start. With grace, God forgives us. By His grace, we can keep growing and become more like Jesus everyday. Be thankful for the grace of God that allows us a "fresh start."
  • Nov 12, 2017“Calming the Chaos”
    Nov 12, 2017
    “Calming the Chaos”
    "Calming the Chaos"
    What are the storms of life that rage around us? What is the chaos that people are in? What do you do when chaos hits? God may not "fix it" right away, but God prepares a way for us. We have a calm through our relationship with Jesus Christ and our salvation is a calm to the chaos.
  • Nov 5, 2017“Advent Conspiracy: Love All”
    Nov 5, 2017
    “Advent Conspiracy: Love All”
    "Advent Conspiracy: Love All"
    “As Christians we’re supposed to love everyone!” So, that’s what we’re talking about this morning. How wide does this “love your neighbor” business extend? Are we really expected to love everybody? And what does Christmas have to do with it anyway? We’ll see.
  • Oct 29, 2017“Advent Conspiracy: Give More”
    Oct 29, 2017
    “Advent Conspiracy: Give More”
    "Advent Conspiracy: Give More"
    During the Advent Conspiracy we’re invited first to Worship Fully, then to Spend Less, and now to Give More. Giving more can mean giving more of ourselves to a friend or family member by being more available or by enjoying quality time or an enriching experience with them. Giving more can mean giving to others, as Jesus put it, “the least of these,” and in so doing giving to Him (Matthew 25:40). Giving more is an expression of our gratitude to God for the wonderful generosity He has lavished upon us.
  • Oct 22, 2017“Advent Conspiracy: Spend Less”
    Oct 22, 2017
    “Advent Conspiracy: Spend Less”
    "Advent Conspiracy: Spend Less"
    Consider Christmas spending. This isn’t a rant against gift-giving; rather, it’s an invitation to consider how our lives might change if we spent less on gifts that may very possibly wind up stuffed in the back of a closet, re-gifted, or returned. It’s an invitation to ask a serious question: does the amount of money I spend on Christmas, or on anything else for that matter, actually make me happier? Or, put it another way, will someone believe I love them more because I spend more? Or, how about this–does more stuff or newer stuff really increase my satisfaction in life?
  • Oct 15, 2017“Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully”
    Oct 15, 2017
    “Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully”
    "Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully"
    What if the way we celebrate Christmas could change our lives and the lives of others. What would happen if we really made worshiping Christ the center of Christmas and we started now? If we "Worship Fully," what might happen in our lives. Let Christmas be more than an experience, but let Christmas be a transformation.